Buy and Sell CPA Clients

Looking for more clients or want to exit a sector? THE CPA EXCHANGE helps you buy or sell individual clients, or a segment of clients based on your specific parameters.

We make it an easy 5-step process, providing you with a wide-range of prospective buyers to view and assess their interest.


The CPA EXCHANGE helps you efficiently market and present your individual clients, or client groups to the marketplace. This is a great way to grow and expand the services and industry segments you want your firm to focus on and sell the clients you don’t.

Our CPA EXCHANGE Concierge will provide you with two free hours to assist you with your questions, such as, pricing a practice, negotiation tactics, and guiding you through the buying and selling process.

Need even more help? Contact us about our Consulting Services regarding the potential sale of your accounting practice, under a fixed-fee arrangement.
